Evel Knievel – Bally 1976

Mike Remembers: The first place I remember playing Evel Knievel was at the House of Pizza at the corner of Woodroffe and Richmond. It was one of the first solid state games I remember playing and was worth the bike ride down the parkway. I remember it again at another Pizza Shop across Baseline Road from the Old Pinto in the Shoppers City West parking lot. Being just a couple of years after his famed jump attempt of the Snake River Canyon, Evel was a great licensed theme at the time.

2 thoughts on “Evel Knievel – Bally 1976”

  1. First place I played this machine I was at Mr. Arcade at the corner of Montreal road and St Laurent east Ottawa.
    This machine represented one of my greatest childhood hero’s of all time Evel Knevel the king of the stuntmen. It seems just like yesterday I was on a plastic skate board wearing north star running shoes adidas shorts and a keep on trucking iron on t-shirt and my STP ball cap.
    The good old days indeed. Wayne

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